What does Somewhere In Time mean to you? You're invited to share your feelings with us. After all, INSITE (The International Network of Somewhere In Time Enthusiasts) is a network of fans, and we appreciate one another's sentiments. Submissions may be published in the INSITE magazine.


***I answer ALL email messages I receive regarding Somewhere in Time, and spend a great deal of my time giving everyone who writes an appropriate response, thoughtfully written.

Note: If my email address is published on this site I will be inundated with spam messages because robots search websites for email addresses. All my time that I'd like to use to answer you will be spent deleting spam messages. So I will now spell out my email address for you. Use the proper characters for "at" and "dot".

jo at somewhereintime dot tv

I look forward to hearing from you!

Jo Addie
INSITE President/Editor
Somewhere in Time Gallery collectibles