Here are the descriptions and addresses of three funds that benefit paralyzed persons:

The Christopher Reeve Foundation

A fund which is trying to raise insurance caps and improve the day-to-day life of paralyzed persons.

Christopher Reeve Foundation
P.O. Box 277
FDR Station
New York, NY 10150

Reeve-Irvine Foundation for Spinal Cord Research

Reeve-Irvine Research Center supports the study of trauma to the spinal cord, and diseases affecting it. Their research emphasizes the development of therapies to promote the recovery and repair of neurological function.

Reeve-Irvine Research Center
Suzanne Pugsley, Associate Director
University Advancement
4900 Berkeley Place
Irvine, CA  92697-5605

American Paralysis Association

Promoting and providing funding for Spinal Cord Research. The APA created and maintains a network of communication between various scientists in the worldwide field of Spinal Cord Research.

American Paralysis Association

500 Morris Avenue

Springfield, NJ  07081