International Network of Somewhere In Time Enthusiasts
Our elegant 20+ page magazine is the most elaborate publication ever produced by a fan society.
Members receive 3 magazine issues, approximately 20 pages each, (often more), a Color Commemorative suitable for framing and a Membership Card.
All memberships run for the calendar year. You always receive any prior issues and any upcoming, regardless of when you join. Since there is no actual publication ‘schedule’, Membership technically ends whenever the 3rd/final issue arrives. This may be into the following year. Third/final issue of each year comes with a Renewal Form.
INSITE is a not-for-profit entity. Memberships must cover its budget for each year.
We have a tiered Membership System. This addition of Premium Levels of Membership was initiated (in 2006) to keep INSITE publishing, as our numbers of members became fewer over time. We nearly had to stop, but members suggested higher levels to keep INSITE alive, and they have generously contributed to Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond levels.
Premium Members (Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond) Members have their names published in the magazine to acknowledge their generous support. Other than that mention, they receive the same materials as Basic, Bronze members.
Basic, Bronze Membership is $19.12, (year movie is set) plus 5.00 postage. $24.12 (There is a $2.00 service charge when joining online via credit card.)
All INSITE Back Issues are available, (23.00 per year including postage, and includes Color Commemorative for that year, if one was created.
First Year, 1990 there were 3 issues. 4 Issues came with years 1991 — 2014. 2015 we went to 3 issues per year, to save one printing and mailing costs, but members have not seen significant drop in number of actual pages.
TIP: If you join early in the year, (Jan.- Mar.) you will receive only a welcome letter, until First Quarter issue is published in April. We suggest ordering Back Issues of prior year, so you'll have a packet of issues to enjoy right away, plenty of great material to enjoy until 1st issue is published.
Please Note: Somewhere in Time Gallery official Collectibles are an entirely separate entity from INSITE.

8110 South Verdev Drive
Oak Creek, WI 53154