Regional Somewhere
In Time
gathered on Saturday, June 21, 1997 at the beautifully
preserved Gateway Theatre in Chicago, for the Somewhere In
Time Celebration, which was, by all accounts, an
overwhelming success. Well over 200 fans from as far away as
Washington State, California, New Jersey, and New York,
attended the 10-hour gala, the vast majority of whom had never
been to an INSITE event.

before the doors opened at noon, fans were lined up at the
front entrance of the Gateway, already dressed in their
vintage apparel. As they entered the magnificent lobby, they
were treated to an array of memorabilia available for
purchase, Jo Addie's personal collection from her days as an
extra on the film, and a computer for fans to surf the Official
Somewhere In Time Website. An added treat was the
opportunity to see Christopher Reeve's brown bowler hat from
the film, which INSITE member Ron Krueger had purchased at
auction. He also displayed his collection of Maude Adams and
Titanic memorabilia. In addition, attendees could also vote on
their favorite 1912-era clothing sketches, designed by
students in INSITE member Jacqui DeRosa's class at the
International Academy of Merchandising and Design.
80% of the guests had chosen to wear their vintage finery and,
as a result, the lobby was filled with time travelers in their
hats, dresses, top hats and cutaways! It was delightful to
look at, added so much to the day and so reminiscent of our
weekends at the Grand! As they were browsing through the
lobby, attendees also nibbled on the wonderful gourmet box
lunches that were provided by LaBelle Gourmet. They received a
trio of demi sandwiches: a marinated breast of grilled chicken
with lettuce, tomato and three mustard sauce on a fresh baked
wheat roll; melt-in-your-mouth roast beef with lettuce, tomato
and LaBelle mustard on a fresh mini croissant; and sliced
turkey breast with spiced cranberry chutney, cream cheese,
grated carrot and leaf lettuce on Bavarian black bread. Guests
also received two wonderful salads: a broccoli medley
(broccoli with raisins, carrots, bacon and peanuts, with a
slightly sweetened sauce) and a dill mustard potato salad (new
red potatoes with celery, onions and fresh dill). The desert
trio consisted of a lemon bar, a chocolate chip cookie and a
chocolate-dipped peanut butter cookie. It was an impressive
lunch and a delicious way to celebrate SIT! A dining room off
the lobby was decorated with Jo's private collection of
foreign SIT posters and neat pocket watch centerpieces on the

lunch, it was time to adjourn to the theatre to start the
festivities. Once inside the actual theatre, it wasn't hard to
see why the Addies fell in love with the setting. The Art Deco
theatre was built in 1930 with an Italian Baroque theme. The
stage has a beautifully ornate proscenium arch, and the
sidewalls were designed as nighttime garden courtyards with
statuary. The main floor seats 1500, or guests could choose to
ascend the sweeping staircase to the 500 seat balcony for a
spectacular view. Even the ceiling was decorated, boasting
twinkling stars and actual drifting clouds. This was the
perfect place to show our film!
Addie began by making a few announcements and introducing our
celebrity guests for the day: Paul Cook ("Dr.
Hull"), Sean Hayden ("Young Arthur"), David
Hull ("Hotel Manager"), Hal Frank ("Stage
Manager"), and Stan Adams (Christopher Reeve's Chicago
Stand-In). We would have the opportunity to hear from them
later on during the Celebrity Panel Discussion. Jo explained
how Bill Shepard founded INSITE back in 1990 and praised Bill
for not only his impressive quarterly newsletter, but for
having created the definitive item of memorabilia on SIT, his
book, "The
Somewhere In Time Story", chronicling the making of
our favorite film from its inspiration for the novel to
post-production and beyond.
afternoon was designed to focus primarily on our beloved star,
Christopher Reeve. Jo had promised a few surprises not billed
in the promotional material for the celebration, and we were
delighted when her first surprise was showing eight minutes of
video clips from Chris' Walk of Fame dedication ceremony. This
sneak preview really touched the heartstrings of the audience
when they learned of INSITE's public and permanent tribute to
Chris's career and humanitarian achievements thus far. They
rewarded INSITE's efforts on this project with thunderous
applause (watch the INSITE newsletter for the availability of
the final edited video in the fall). Another thoughtful
gesture was our ability to contribute to the Reeve-Irvine
Foundation for Spinal Cord Research; contributions were
collected in the lobby throughout the day.
were then treated to the first public showing of the Addie's
2-hour documentary video "Christopher Reeve Returns to
Mackinac", up until now only available by mail order and
a perfect way to feel like one had attended that unforgettable
weekend. Since many had never seen the video, they were
utterly enchanted by Chris' personality and warmth when he
joined us for the SIT weekend festivities in October of 1994.
The Addies quality video made guests feel almost as if Chris
had been among them. The video is an impressive, intimate look
into this dynamic and genuine star.
the video, INSITE'rs Steve and Kristin Ellis hosted their
delightful Trivia Contest which, in some cases, pitted
celebrity guests against fans! It was fun to see 11-year-old
Shane Addie "one-up" SIT star Sean Hayden on a
question about Izzy Mankofsky! (In case you wondered, the
question was "What was Izzy's title?" Correct
answer: Cinematographer, not Cameraman, as Sean volunteered!)
In the end, the winners were trivia experts Pam Ellis, Mike
Zibrun and Jeannie Glover.

was then time for the Celebrity Panel Discussion. We learned
many new things about the making of our favorite film, since
this was the first time three of the celebrities had attended
an INSITE event, so we were treated to first-hand accounts
from newly-found celebrity guests. David Hull, who had kept
his "Call Sheets" all these years, shared some of
the details from these fascinating pages. Delivered to the
actors and crew each day by being slid under their doors, the
call sheets would describe the entire next day - what scenes
would be filmed, which script pages, who would be working,
their time to arrive, the lunch location, wardrobe, props,
even the weather. They offer a glimpse into the organization
behind filmmaking and crystallize any given day on the set,
like it was yesterday.
Frank shared a delightful story about Jeannot Szwarc directing
both Christopher Reeve and Christopher Plummer in the same
scene. When he said "Chris", both men replied
"Yes?" He commented that this would never do, so he
consulted with producer Stephen Deutsch, and together they
decided that from now on, Christopher Plummer would be known
as "Mr. Plummer", and Christopher Reeve would be
known as "Bigfoot"!!

Frank, David Hull, Stan Adams, and Paul Cook share their fond
memories of making SIT during the Celebrity Panel Discussion
stand-in Stan Adams recalled the day they filmed the library
scene on the south side of Chicago and how neighborhood
children literally climbed up the outside walls of the
building to peer into the windows and call out to
"Superman!" Even after being advised against it,
Chris still took it upon himself to go outside and offer the
kids autographs if they cooperated long enough for the scene
to be completed. At that point, they all scattered, running
home to get pen and paper. Once the scene was done, the police
had lined up the children in an orderly fashion on the
sidewalk, and true to his word, Chris then spent the next hour
and a half signing autographs and giving hugs to all.
extra Jo Addie told the story of her memorable Sunday off from
filming, spent with Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeve when
Chris flew them to Petoskey to go bowling. It seems once the
bowling alley staff became aware of who they were, they paged
"Superman to come to the phone booth"! And while
stopping by a roadside fruit stand, Jane introduced Jo to the
wonderful taste of black cherries, something Jo remembers
every time she eats them today. After the panel discussion,
fans had the opportunity to meet the celebrity guests
personally, who graciously signed their programs and posed for
evening, the fans were getting truly excited about what was to
occur, the showing of Somewhere In Time on the big
screen in all its wonderful 35mm splendor! A show of hands
proved that the majority of them had never seen it in this
format. First, Peter Franks raffled off one of his Grand Hotel
music boxes to Richard and Patricia Leja from Berwyn,
Illinois, and Jo Addie awarded several door prizes to lucky
attendees. Jo read a delightful statement written by INSITE
founder Bill Shepard who could not attend, as well as a moving
poem by Allan Busst, INSITE member from England who, having
been inspired by Chris' courage and determination, hoped to
inspire the audience to contribute to spinal cord research.

next occurred struck a romantic chord in all of us. Jo seemed
genuinely surprised when Jim strode onto the stage and nudged
her away from the podium to give a short speech recognizing
Jo's efforts in planning the event. "Only two people in
this auditorium know the amount of energy and effort required
to plan and execute this Celebration", said Jim, and then
their son, Shane, presented Jo with a lovely spray of yellow
roses and blue irises. Their affectionate glances, and Jim and
Jo's lingering kiss inspired spontaneous applause from the
next of Jo's planned surprises for the day was a total hit
with the audience. The Gateway Theatre's own Jay Warren, a
silent film master accompanist, conducted a 1912-era
sing-a-long on the Gateway's grand pipe organ, which rose up
from a well at the side of the stage. It was wonderful singing
some of the same songs we hear in Somewhere In Time to
the music of this marvelous instrument! The words were
thoughtfully displayed for us to easily follow along. The mood
was then set when Jay played the movie's theme to Ron
Krueger's lovely presentation of his antique glass slides, all
hand-painted from the turn of the century, and depicting
elegant romantic scenes, many of which were reminiscent of the
film (couples in a rowboat, by a gazebo, spooning by the
shore). The stage was now set. After this wonderful prelude,
the film began and fulfilled everyone's expectations.
was the first big screen showing of Somewhere In Time
in Chicago since its release in 1980. In fact, a surprising 50
people walked in for the movie-only ticket option. For a
number of those, it was the first time ever viewing the film!
They had read a marvelous article about the film and INSITE,
published by the Chicago Tribune on June 4th prior to the
event, which had described so well the feelings people have
for the film, that they felt they just had to experience it
for themselves. INSITE members across the country were
accurately quoted in the article, highlighting the reasons
they're so fond of the film. The article also mentioned the
appalling lack of this classic romantic genre, conspicuously
absent from Hollywood's offerings today, causing a vast number
of the adult population to virtually give up going to
streaming out afterwards were treated to chocolates and
lemonade, many expressing their wish that the evening never
end! One guest commented that if she had this much fun in one
day, imagine what it would be like for an entire weekend at
the Grand! My thanks to Jo and Jim Addie, without whom none of
this would have been possible, to our celebrity guests for
their marvelous contributions, also to Joe Miklos, Cheryl
Abel, Roger St. Louis, Sue Addie, and Ernie & Janet
Knobloch for the valuable contributions of their time, and to
all the attendees to whom I wish "come back to me"!
I hope to see all of you in October!
Epilogue from Jo Addie
I am
delighted to say that The Midwest Regional Somewhere In
Time Celebration was, by all reports, a rousing success.
Over the years our video customers who have been unable to
attend the marvelous Somewhere In Time Weekends at
Mackinac and the 15th Anniversary Celebration of SIT in LA
have written to us, thanking us profusely for making the
edited videos of these events available so that they could
"catch up", and get a full taste of them, even feel
like they were there. Their letters are full of emotion and we
have kept them all--the stack is about one inch thick! The
Grand Hotel Weekend is phenomenal, guaranteed to provide
memories for a lifetime, however, they are costly, and thereby
eliminate many SIT fans from making the journey. I conceived
the notion of offering a day honoring and celebrating SIT in a
convenient Midwest location, where we would do many of the
same activities we do at the Grand, yet the cost would be very
reasonable, thought this would be a welcome opportunity for
INSITE members.
I set
out to find a good location for the affair, and was beside
myself with joy to find available for rent, the Gateway
Theatre/Copernicus Center, a fabulous 1930 Art Deco movie
palace in Chicago, in impressive, restored condition. Compared
to the architecturally devoid cracker box theatres of today,
its enormous size alone is a rarely experienced treat. Just
the atmosphere I had hoped for! The theatre had been in danger
of being torn down, like most of its lost brethren, but was
bought in the mid-eighties by the Chicago Polish Heritage
Society, and while they had plans to totally revamp and
subdivide its interior, local outrage caused them to stop
their planned changes at Phase 1, where the enormous vertical
Gateway marquee was removed and a portion of the lobby was
converted into a three story office facility with a clock
tower, and new facade of stucco. The Gateway is used only
occasionally for movies, mostly foreign films, and is rented
by various special interest and ethnic groups for its stage
and convention capabilities. The manager of the theatre
listened with great enthusiasm when I described the concept,
even though he was not personally familiar with SIT. I booked
the facility in mid-December, 1996.
event was the biggest challenge I've ever undertaken. (I had
coordinated the 15th Anniversary Celebration of SIT in LA in
'95, which was tough, due to the long distance logistics, but
I also enjoyed the assistance of others who were able to help
with much of the work.) I was inspired to do it after
attending a terrific all day motivational seminar in
September, offered by Peter Lowe in major cities
nationwide--the same series of seminars at which Christopher
Reeve is speaking, (although I was disappointed that he wasn't
able to make the one in Chicago I attended, as he had
initially planned). Jim and I are both self-employed and we
knew we'd benefit from a "kick in the pants". All
day long top speakers encouraged us to set goals and go for
them...I had been pondering this event idea for some time, and
I suddenly began to feel like 'the little engine that could',
saying, "I think I can...I think I can". I decided
it was worth pursuing, and resolved to invest whatever it
would take to achieve it. Because I was flying solo on this
one, it was an enormous project, requiring months of daily
work, particularly in planning and executing an ambitious
promotional campaign. The only thing that surprised me was the
lack of response on the part of INSITE members, past and
present. In fact, over 85% of the attendees of the Chicago
Celebration were brand new people--fans who "came out of
the woodwork" by the publicity I was able to generate, in
both newspapers and radio. The Chicago Tribune did a fantastic
lengthy article about SIT's appeal, including two photos, and
with accurate quotes and sensitivity, described the feelings
of devotion of ardent INSITE members, and I will be forever
grateful for this wonderful coverage. My phone did not stop
ringing for several days. Not everyone who called could attend
the event, but it confirmed once again Somewhere In Time
is the "favorite movie" of a great number of people,
and that 50% of them are men. And there were several callers
who had never seen the movie, but related to the feelings
described, and the void of such quality entertainment and were
planning to rent it.
were times I was on an emotional roller coaster, yet even in
the low spots, thinking of Chris and his example of
determination would always edify me. For the most part, the
planning of each facet of our special day went remarkably
well, and even though I didn't know exactly how many people
would attend until nearly the last minute, I felt confident
that everyone who would attend would have a wonderful time.
But the enthusiastic response from attendees completely
overwhelmed me...their unbridled excitement and heartfelt
expressions of joy throughout the day...their staying late to
have a moment to personally express their gratitude to me--and
then I was receiving thank-you notes for over two weeks
afterward! I feel truly blessed to have put on a party for so
many warm and gracious people - Somewhere In Time truly
attracts a distinctively caring, courteous and refreshing
bunch of folks, of all ages!
know that some people who plan big affairs such as this one,
often feel a huge letdown after the event has passed. After
all, you devote all your thought, energy and attention to all
the myriad details for weeks on end, and in a matter of hours,
it's all over. But I'm pleased to say that I have experienced
only an overall sense of Satisfaction. I learned a great deal.
And I'll also say, if YOU have a goal, let yourself be
challenged, and go for it! See what you can achieve when you
set your mind to it! I thank each and every one of you who
attended our Chicago Somewhere In Time Celebration.
Your support was the icing on the cake for me, and the
memories of this adventure will be with me for a long time to
